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Special Needs/ADA/Family

Bright, Spacious And Wheelchair Accessible with limited capacity for those that require accessible washrooms.

Our accessible, barrier-free washrooms are built to ADA (American Disabilities Act) standards. Each washroom is designed for low usage, accommodating 70-80 uses before needing maintenance. These facilities are intended to supplement our standard lineup. Explore our various models to find the one that best suits your needs.
ADA Advantage ext thumbnail

Advantage Wheelchair
 Accessible Washroom

Ground level ramp, bright, spacious interior and more.

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Presidential Wheelchair
 Accessible Washroom

Same great features as the Advantage but with the Presidential touch.

Tilt & Load Ada/Wheelchair
Accessible Restroom

Larger than our accessible Advantage model, this is the washroom that meets all your accessible needs.

Contact us to discuss your needs